The audio also correlates to headphones, so if your camera indicates there are loud sounds on your left, only the left earphone will be noisy. You are also equipped with your trusty camera, the zoom and night vision features are accessible as normal, but with a more intricate audio component that allows the player to identify if a sound is coming from their left or right.

The player then finds themselves in the middle of the desert with nothing around, apart from a strange settlement that looks like it could be right out of The Hills Have Eyes.

With a completely black screen and barely audible dialogue, the player hears the couple flying in some sort of helicopter, before witnessing something disturbing, and crashing their craft, leaving the player in control of the husband seeking his screaming wife. The journalists, a married couple, are investigating the mysterious “impossible” death of an unidentified pregnant woman in the desert. The Outlast 2 demo is completely unrelated to the first game and begins with more journalists. Like Outlast, Whistleblower was well received by gamers and eventually ported over to console, alongside the original game, to be enjoyed by Xbox and PlayStation players. Whistleblower centers on an employee of the hospital who originally tipped off the journalist in Outlast, and what led said employee to disclose the illegal happenings.

The genius of Outlast is that the atmosphere is so well-crafted that it keeps the player in a constant state of suspense and fearful anticipation, but encourages him/her to press on to solve the mystery of the asylum.Īfter the original game was released, Red Barrels then made the amazing DLC, Whistleblower, which served as a prequel to the original story of Outlast. The camera allows the player the functionalities of night vision and zooming, which can be used to their advantage in order to survive. The game-play of the original Outlast lets the player see through the naked eye of the character, along with his camera, which records the happenings at the hospital in real time. CLICK HERE For 100s of FREE Trashy Horror Movies!